
Created with Highcharts 5.0.7DraftsChart context menuAccording to the most published drafts851851818818717717511511507507495495437437374374286286268268Ministry of Educat…Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and SportMinistry of JusticeMinistry of Econo…Ministry of EconomyMinistry of Territor…Ministry of Territorial Administration and InfrastructureMinistry of Labor …Ministry of Labor and Social AffairsState Revenue Co…State Revenue CommitteeMinistry of Enviro…Ministry of EnvironmentMinistry of Health…Ministry of HealthcareMinistry of DefenseUrban Developme…Urban Development

Most published drafts

Through the graphic of the most published drafts, you can see statistics of 10 state authorities on the number of published drafts.The horizontal axis shows the legal authorities and the vertical axis shows the number of drafts.

Created with Highcharts 5.0.7Number of draftsChart context menuAccording to the time periodSeries 128.02.202507.03.202514.03.202521.03.202528.03.20250255075100125150175

Time statistcs

Through time statistics you can see the graphic imagery, which shows the quantitative increase or decrease of drafts published on the website for a certain period of time. The horizontal axis shows the time period and the vertical axis shows the number of drafts.

Created with Highcharts 5.0.7Registered usersChart context menuAccording to the number of registered

Registration activity statistics

Through this graphic you can see the weekly activity of user registration. The vertical axis shows the period in weeks, the horizontal axis shows the number of registered users.

Created with Highcharts 5.0.7Total number of registered usersChart context menuAccording to the total number of registered

Statistics of registered users

Through this graphic you can see the total number of registered users on the site at the given date. The vertical axis shows the given date, the horizontal axis shows the total number of registered users.

Created with Highcharts 5.0.7Number of visitsChart context menuAccording to the number of visits474325474325521941521941487458487458552632552632615757615757463190463190583783583783606861606861578693578693487014487014625975625975403758403758April 2024May 2024June 2024July 2024August 2024September 2024October 2024November 2024December 2024January 2025February 2025Мarch

Statistics of the number of website visits

Through this graphic you can see the number of monthly visits to the site. The horizontal axis shows the period by months, the vertical axis shows the number of visits.